Living Authentically

‎”Living authentically means cultivating the COURAGE to be emotionally honest, to set boundaries, and to allow ourselves to be vulnerable; exercising the COMPASSION that comes from knowing that we are all made of strength and struggle; and staying connected to each other through a loving and resilient human spirit; nurturing the CONNECTION and sense of belonging that can only happen when we let go of what we are supposed to be and embrace who we are.

Authenticity demands WHOLE-HEARTED living and loving – even when it’s hard, even when we’re wrestling with the shame and fear of not being good enough, and especially when the JOY is so intense that we’re afraid to let ourselves feel it.

Mindfully practicing authenticity during our most soul-searching struggles is how we invite GRACE, JOY, & GRATITUDE into our lives.” ~ Brené Brown

I think of this challenge, to stay “connected to one another through a loving and resilient human spirit,” in the context of my family and ask myself if not associating with them is just another bout of willfulness. I resolve that it is not. I feel sorrow, but more peace. It’s the right choice, at last. We weren’t a good fit. To pound my head again and again into that impenetrable wall is not only the definition of insanity, it’s painful for them as well as for me. I no longer expect a different result, from any of us. Resignation is a kind of sadness, but it’s also enormously unburdening. I cannot change them. Neither can I change the truth that closeness with them is unsafe. So I’m not.

Althooough… I read “nurturing the connection and sense of belonging that can only happen when we let go of what we are supposed to be and embrace who we are,” substituting “what THEY are supposed to be and embrace who THEY are,” and… ugh. Okay, okay, to forgive is incumbent upon me, and… family is family and… it’s childish to withhold my involvement simply because they are. I am not petty and hateful… always.

*Sigh* It’s a process. Forever, I’m resigned. Didn’t I say resignation was peaceful? 🙂

They are crazy-makers, bless them.

2 thoughts on “Living Authentically

  1. Forgiving them doesn’t mean you have to spend a lot of time with them. Part of being authentic means taking care of your own needs. Good luck doing both!

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